
Our expertise
Our professional practices
Job roles and skill sets are evolving and transforming, meanwhile organisations are adapting. Managers are on the front line of change and must be exemplary in the way they guide their teams.
Their position is however a complex one which comes with numerous challenges. They are at the interface of multiple sources of tension: handling uncertainties, employee retention issues, remote work management, and an increased mental load due to constant solicitation.
Due to these issues, there is a growing disenchantment with the managerial function, particularly amongst younger generations.
In this context, offering managers support, assistance and methodology, to get their teams back onboard with their projects seems crucial, so they can strike the right balance between operational demands and compassion, and HR policies can be consistently and fairly applied.
Our solutions
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Complete targeted programs combining training and coaching for managers and executives to enhance their skills and provide a broader perspective on the topics covered
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Pragmatic competency models and support solutions designed to fit our clients’ business and human challenges
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Customized leadership development programs addressing the specific challenges of certain populations: executive committees, high-potential individuals, female executives
The idoko signature
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With the acceleration of socio-economic transformation and the emergence of major crisis, many organisations are affected by a climate of uncertainty.
The social sphere is calling for a better consideration of issues related to the prevention of psychosocial risks (PSR), especially when it comes to combating inappropriate behaviours and promoting mental health in the workplace.
In France where 44% of employees report being in a state of psychological distress (Opinion Way, 2023), organisations must develop their ability to preserve the mental health of their employees. Employees expect their employers to address these issues, as their well-being directly impacts their level of engagement.
These challenges can be addressed by establishing coherent prevention policies, based on a genuine culture of Care over the long term. This requires collaborative efforts involving HR professionals, managers, and employee representatives, along with a genuine consideration of the needs of employees.
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Concrete psychosocial risk prevention policies implemented over the long term, tailored to the specificities of each organization
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Implementation of dedicated measures to combat all inappropriate behaviours (external helpline, crisis team, harassment investigations) and analyse working conditions (psychosocial risk diagnosis, social climate audits)
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Specific crisis support for operations with significant human stakes, such as reorganisation, restructuring, or deteriorating social dialogue
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Comprehensive and targeted training programs promoting skills development and a broader perspective on topics covered (human aspects of a transformation project, fundamentals of psychosocial risks, moral and sexual harassment, discrimination, and sexism)
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As a member of the FIRPS (Federation of Psychosocial Risk Workers), we follow a strict deontology (FIRPS deontology)
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Whether they are lawyers, HR professionals, or coaches, our consultants are certified in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) and receive supervision from a clinical psychologist
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Lawyers, psychologists, specialists in sexual and gender-based violence, a network of experts accompanies us to ensure the quality of our support
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Our methodological tools are scientifically recognised and validated by national social partners (INRS grid, Gollac report)
Companies must be able to identify the professions, skills, and expertise of tomorrow to secure their projects and successfully implement their strategies. Technological changes, ecological challenges, the emergence of new business models... in the job market, anticipation is still the best way to build an effective strategy and ensure the employability of staff members.
According to a study by France Stratégie, 32% of jobs in France could be affected by digitalisation by 2023, meanwhile, according to the think tank The Shift Project, the green transition could create nearly 300,000 jobs by 2050.
Job and career path management are a cornerstone of HR strategy which make it possible to map a company’s future job roles, workforce numbers and key competencies. A forward-looking dynamic such as this guarantees solutions to the human and organisational challenges that lay ahead.
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The design of anticipatory workforce and skills management schemes tailored to the short and medium-term operational needs of our clients
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Assistance to managers and employee representatives in understanding and embracing the changes occurring within their industry
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Definition of pay systems aligned with HR needs and the organisational context (industry, size, culture, maturity)
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Targeted interventions: we mobilise HR and the other key players involved (employee representatives, employees, managers…)
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A forward-looking approach: we rely on recognised future-oriented studies (DARES, Cereq, Ministry of Labor, France Stratégies) to anticipate changes in professions and skills
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A multisectorial approach to employment and skills challenges: we collaborate with clients of all types, sizes, and industries, and have developed a fine-tuned understanding of transformation factors and industry-specific needs
The relationship to work is evolving. New expectations around work-life balance are a real attractiveness factor and an opportunity for companies to innovate socially. There is an incentive to rethink work organisation with a greater focus on modularity.
The Deloitte Global 2023 Survey on Gen Z and Millenials observed the following: ¾ of generation Z and millenials are so attached to remote work that they would consider changing employers if they had to work on site full time.
The trend goes beyond work patterns and ways of working, both managers and employees are also seeking greater operational efficiency. These expectations prompt organisations to rethink methods for collaboration (with agile approaches, project management, design thinking, etc.).
The adaptability of work methods should be considered in light of the specificities of the company, its structure, and its industry. This is essential for the successful implementation of strategies.
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Strategic support for HR departments to identify the right levers for offering an attractive employee experience
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Studies and consulting missions on the evolution of work time organisation (remote work, hybrid modes, global teams, four-day workweeks, flexible hours...)
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Workshops and training sessions on the identification and adoption of new work modes
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A clear vision of the work mode evolutions experienced by the companies we support (start-ups, industrial groups, banks and insurance companies, creative industries, non-profit organisations...)
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Consideration of the cultural specificities unique to each organisation (industry sector, social climate, work modes)
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Realistic schemes built upon the on-the-ground experiences of the managers and employees we collaborate with
In rapid transformation contexts, HR teams play a central role. They must provide an objective perspective on the lived and perceived reality of employees: employee retention issues, over engagement or disengagement, increased sick leave, deterioration of the social dialogue, conflictual situations, and more. Concrete levers must be identified so that in spite of a constrained context, commitment and social cohesion can be upheld.
For idoko, social strategy is not limited to the social engineering of transformation projects. It includes revamping HR and social policies and updating longstanding employer contracts so they are adapted to the current social context. This requires the adhesion of social partners and implies an open and constructive dialogue.
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Targeted social listening actions aimed at specific populations to understand reality on-the-ground and improve anticipation
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Accompaniment for HR teams in designing and implementing their HR and social roadmaps
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Human impact studies conducted during transformation projects
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Multidisciplinary teams consisting of HR consultants, former HR directors, and legal experts
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Collaborative work with all relevant stakeholders: HR teams, social partners, executives and managers, occupational health services...
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A consideration of the long term to assist our clients in identifying sustainable solutions.
In France, anti-discrimination public action is characterised by its essentially "regulatory" dimension, which is neither very prescriptive nor very punitive. However, there are significant social expectations in terms of the development of diverse teams. 84% of young professionals believe that diversity should be a top priority for companies (IFOP survey and the Club 21st century, 2023).
Diversity represents an opportunity for organisations. Therefore, a genuine and comprehensive effort is required to implement effective anti-discrimination measures and HR processes that respect differences.
We are actively working to create inclusive work environments where everyone can thrive and make their unique contributions, no matter what their gender, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, or ability.
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Proposals offering concrete measures designed to promote diversity and inclusion based on in-depth surveys;
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Tailored HR action plans and policies to enhance diversity within our clients' professions
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Training programs for HR managers and teams to support them in addressing these issues within their roles
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Every year we handle dozens of individual or collective discrimination cases;
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We base our approach on understanding the origins of unconscious biases and stereotypes
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Through pedagogical demonstration, we unite organisational members, getting everyone on board to build an inclusive work environment.
To guarantee the success of their innovation and transformation projects, organisations must be capable of understanding the human challenges that arise from them. New behaviours, changes in work organisation, individual and collective reactions... these consequences should be addressed within the transformation framework.
For this reason, HR must occupy a central role in the development of people and organisations and inject energy which is change-driven.
By leaning on a trusted partner that is both neutral and independent, HRDs and general management can envision and establish tailored programs that are culturally aligned and effective over the long-term.
For all our missions, we put time aside to examine our clients' needs so that we can jointly build solutions to their challenges. Our consulting expertise combines effective operational steering with careful consideration of the relationships involved.
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Accompaniment on HR and social roadmaps
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Change management for transformation projects
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Prevention of sensitive social situations
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HR policies and promotion of inclusive work cultures
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Managerial support in the context of transformation
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Implementation of new work methods
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Consultants with multidisciplinary profiles (expertise in HR, individual and collective labour law, change management, design thinking...) combining consulting, coaching, and training
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A creative, simple, and pragmatic approach that combines intellectual and relational rigour
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A focus on current topics and an open-minded stance

Organisations bear legal obligations in terms of ongoing training, but above and beyond those obligations, there is a real opportunity for each individual to grow, develop and question their practices in a context where relationships to work are changing, and new expectations regarding attitudes and behaviours are becoming increasingly demanding.
Since 2019, we have offered ongoing support to all actors of professional life in terms of their skills development, offering training programs that combine theoretical knowledge, practical application, and peer-sharing sessions.
Our conviction is that training is a potent means of development and empowerment for all actors of professional life. We make sure that participants on all of our training courses feel they belong to a collective that favours open discussion, emulation and the creation of a pro-learning environment.
* Over the period from October 2023 to February 2024, we achieved a score of 95% achievement of operational objectives on leadership & management training courses. The rate was calculated on the basis of the self-assessment of the last 100 participants (10 groups for 1 client).
* Over the period from October 2023 to February 2024, we achieved a score of 96% in terms of meeting operational targets for "respect", psychosocial risk prevention and diversity & inclusion training. The rate was calculated on the basis of self-assessment by participants in the last 3 training groups (3 clients).
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Change management
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Diversity & inclusion
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Psychosocial risks prevention
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Discrimination and sexism
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Stress and energy management
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Social relations
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Tailor-made training programs: we determine the prerequisites together during the curriculum design phase; the objectives, the duration, the conditions and the methods to be used. idoko is committed to providing a respectful and inclusive training environment for all, and all our courses are accessible to people with any kind of disability. If you have a disability of which we should be aware, please contact us at contact@idoko.co so that we can adapt the training program accordingly.
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Certified Qualiopi processes for ongoing improvement of our offer: we track and monitor our programs over the long-term, and adjust our methods and educational supports according to the changing needs of our clients and participant feedback;
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Action geared content enrichment: we provide practical tools (analytical frameworks, pedagogical booklets, action plans…) adapted to our clients’ challenges and activity sectors;
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An approach to training inspired by coaching: our trainers are all certified in coaching methods.
In demanding environments, managers and executives often need to take a step back and gain some perspective on challenges they are facing so they can be sure to make the right decisions.
Coaching provides them a confidential space for listening, reflexion and distancing from daily operations. It enables them to identify their obstacles, set clear objectives and implement concrete actions to carry out their ambitions. Coaching brings them the necessary confidence, clarity and perspective to make informed decisions and successfully lead transformations.
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Customised and confidential programs, focused on individual needs and aligned with organisational challenges
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Flexible long-term accompaniment to facilitate the implementation of actions and the evaluation of their impacts
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Theme-based formats, enriched with need-based tools and supports
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A network of experienced coaches with varied profiles (professional backgrounds, experience), and advanced knowledge of various activity sectors and professions
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An initial orientation interview to introduce the coaching format and steer individuals towards an appropriate coach profile
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Supervision and intervision sessions between our coaches, enabling them to refine their analysis of the contexts in which they intervene, and heighten their impact